Replace the 1cwwPzYjIzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz with the ID code from the shareable link setting back in step #2, above.Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $zipFile -OutFile "$($env:TEMP)\myFile.doc" 8 Answers Sorted by: 24 The simple answer to your question is: if the person you are sending the link to does not have a Google account, they will not be able to download all the files in the folder at once. Then, code can be used to download the file as such (in this case with Windows PowerShell):.Ensure that Anyone with the link can view (Note that in corporate environments, the link must be shared with those outside the organization in order to bypass having to login).Right-click the file, and choose Get shareable link

The alternative is to programatically authenticate with Google - something not addressed in this answer. Note: the following solution assumes that the links are to non-security-critical files, or that the links will only be given to those with whom access can be trusted (links are https, so are encrypted with transmission). Its the green, blue, and yellow triangle labeled Drive in the app drawer. (To check this, rename the file with a `.html` extension, and view in a text editor). 1.Open the Google Drive app on your Android. After your files have been compressed into a downloadable. There's no security context when running from PowerShell, so the file download fails. In Drive, select all of your documents, right-click, and choose Download. Files in Google Drive must be made available for sharing before they can be downloaded.