Unfortunately, WASAPI 3.x remains broken with my USB Z=Cinemas where 2.x worked fine. Streaming problems I iterated before aparrently solved - the player held tenaciously to SomaFM for well over 12 houts when it previously would inexplicably stop after 45 minutes (DeadBeef on Linux wouldn't falter over the same timeframe). It didn't stall out on some 15,000 lossless files across my network either - awesome! Tentative FIVE stars. Also have to check WASAPI with my Logitech USB Z-Cinemas to see if that now works properly as well. Haven't tested the streaming to see if it's better (will leave it running today and will check this evening to see if it managed to retain connectivity to SomaFM) but the addition of the Export function for the error reporting on file integrity checking is enormously appreciated.