Select the Monitoring method for the quicker capturing (or use the Snapshotting one if you need to continue capturing after the system restart) and click Next >. Review the issues, which were detected on your system, and try to resolve them by closing the non-essential applications and stopping services. Launch MSI Generator and click Capture installation. Repackage your source installation (EXE, MSI, VBS, CMD, etc.) into Universal Windows Platfrorm app package (APPX) using MSI Generator (a part of PACE Suite).To try everything from this guide, download a free PACE Suite trial. As our approach uses only Windows libraries that get updated alongside the OS, PACE Suite is always up-to-date when it comes to creating APPX packages. PACE Suite does not use any third-party utilities (like MakeAPPX.exe) and SDK that either get updates significantly less often than Windows itself or even do not receive updates at all. PACE Suite perfectly works as a exe to appx converter and can convert installers to APPX packages independently in your standard packaging environment under Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 or newer. There is no need to deep-dive into the details of the APPX technology, install Windows SDK components, and prepare peculiar environments to start packaging in this new format. Our approach to creating UWP packages is to make the repackaging of installers to APPX packages as easy as possible. Why Use PACE Suite to Convert EXE to APPX? Check out the guide on creating packaging in MSIX.

Looking for MSIX, the latest packaging format from Microsoft? PACE Suite supports MSIX too.